At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, two new laws were introduced that bring changes to the Fiscal Code and the Labor Code regarding the taxation of amounts considered as income and the corresponding mandatory social contributions, as well as the situations in which employers
April 1, 2021
According to an analysis by Smartree Romania, one of the leaders in Romania’s HR outsourcing market, 54% of the company’s clients will increase gross income for their employees so that they can maintain approximately the same net salaries as in 2017. Smartree processes payroll for 600,000 employees annually and has
January 25, 2018
Day workers law, applicable from June 17, 2014, has been updated by Law 18/2014 amending Law 52/2011 and Emergency Ordinance 36/2014 amending Law 18/2014. The obligations of the beneficiary The people who work with day workers will use a new model of register of day workers, document to be drawn
June 24, 2014
The gross minimum salary guaranteed in payment increased from 800 to 850 lei from 1 January 2014. This amount is paid for a full work of 168 hours per month on average, the hourly remuneration being 5,059 lei. The employers who pay employees with a minimum base salary guaranteed in
January 10, 2014
The total salary cost represents the sum of all expenses an employer incurs to compensate an employee. In addition to the employee’s gross salary, it includes mandatory contributions, taxes, and employer-provided benefits. Below are the key components in more detail: Gross Salary: This is the amount stipulated in the employment
January 28, 2025
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September 18, 2024
Over 20 years of expertise in HR software solutions HR ServicesHR ServicesSoftware HRSoftware HR Stay in touch with the latest changes in labor legislation Smart Update Over 20 years of expertise in HR software solutions HR Services HR Services Software HR Software HR Smartree’s HR solutions and services Do you
July 25, 2024
Important changes regarding labor relations took place this month. There are three main topics of high importance for you as the changes regarding leave and monthly allowance for raising children, the new individual labor agreement draft and the increase of the minimum gross wage per economy from January 1, 2023. Emergency
December 14, 2022
Starting with August 16, 2022, the procedure for applying the exception from the overcharging of part-time contracts came into force. This is applied only to the employees who, during the same month, earn income from wages or wages assimilated to wages on the basis of two or more individual employment contracts, and
August 18, 2022
The medical leave for the care of the patient with oncological diseases, in force! Starting with April, 2022, the insured person who, with the patient’s consent, accompanies him to the surgeries and treatments prescribed by the specialist doctor, receives leave and indemnity for the care of the patient with oncological diseases over
April 17, 2022