Important changes in the Labor Code regarding the minimum gross basic salary per country granted to romanian employees! According to the Emergency Ordinance no. 130/2021, regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures, the extension of some terms, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts, published in the Official
December 22, 2021
Parents may qualify for paid days off if schools are moving online, according to Emergency Ordinance no. 110/2021 on granting paid days off to parents and other categories of persons in the context of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, in force since October 4. We inform you of the main
October 8, 2021
An employer who delays the payment of the salary to the employee by more than one month from the date of payment of the salary risks a contravention fine from 5,000 lei to 10,000 lei for each person to whom the salary was not paid. The regulation, introduced by the Emergency
October 7, 2021
Starting with August, new regulations regarding the granting of medical leave have entered into force. According to the Order no. 1,398 / 729/2021 for the modification and completion of the Norms for the application of the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 158/2005 regarding the holidays and the indemnities of
August 5, 2021
Starting with July 19, the new draft of the individual labour agreement have entered into force. The new regulations are found in the Order no. 585/2021 on amending and supplementing the framework model of the individual employment contract, provided in the annex to the Order of the Minister of Labor and Social
July 28, 2021
Day off for vaccination against Covid! According to the Law no. 221/2021 for the completion of Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, published in Official Gazette no. 732 of July 26, 2021, employees in the public and private system who are getting
July 27, 2021
The deadline for providing certain benefits to employees and employers in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as well as to stimulate employment growth, has been extended until June 30, 2021. Clarifications regarding these measures have been stipulated in Law 282/2020, which
December 18, 2020
According to a press release issued on November 11, the Labor Inspectorate has launched a national campaign to check the application of legal provisions regarding working from home, telecommuting, staggered working hours, and workplace health and safety, with the aim of reducing the risk of COVID-19 contamination. The campaign runs
November 13, 2020
As of October 26, the Emergency Ordinance No. 181/2020 came into effect, outlining new fiscal measures regarding the taxation of COVID-19 tests covered by employers and the new deadline for the suspension of enforced debt collection through garnishment of budgetary claims. a) Changes to the Fiscal Code The costs incurred
October 29, 2020
As of October 3, new amendments to the Labor Code, introduced by Law No. 213/2020, have come into effect. These changes concern the signing and modification of individual contracts, disciplinary investigations, and the conciliation of individual disputes, as well as the operations of employers’ HR departments. 1. Signing or Modifying
October 7, 2020