As of yesterday, new regulations regarding medical leave and social health insurance benefits have come into effect, introduced by Emergency Ordinance No. 126/2020, which amends the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 158/2005. Insured individuals are entitled to leave and allowances for temporary incapacity to work without the requirement of an insurance
August 4, 2020
As of July 21, a new law has come into effect—Law No. 136/2020—introducing updates regarding the granting of medical leave in cases of quarantine due to suspicion or infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Medical leave and allowances for quarantine are granted to insured individuals who are prohibited from continuing their
August 3, 2020
As of July 27, a new law—Law No. 151/2020 amending and supplementing Law No. 53/2003—has come into effect, providing clarifications on the concept of discrimination in the Labor Code. Direct Discrimination: Any act or action of distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on one or more Criteria that aims to
July 29, 2020
As of March 21, Government Emergency Ordinance No. 29/2020 came into effect, according to which, during the state of emergency established by the government, enforcement measures through the seizure of budgetary claims are suspended or not initiated. However, exceptions are made for enforcement proceedings applied to recover budgetary claims established
April 2, 2020
On March 21, Emergency Ordinance No. 30/2020 and Government Decision No. 217/2020 came into effect, supplementing Law No. 19/2020 concerning paid leave granted to parents for supervising children during the temporary closure of educational institutions. What do the three normative acts include? Paid leave is granted to one of the
March 26, 2020
As of March 17th, Law No. 19/2020 has come into effect, granting parents paid leave for supervising children in the event of temporary school closures due to a crisis situation declared by the competent authorities in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Conditions for Application: The provisions of the Law
March 18, 2020
Starting January 1, 2020, Law No. 263/2019 came into effect, which reverts to the previous taxation method for income earned under part-time employment contracts. The new law repeals the articles in the Fiscal Code that required these types of income, along with the related health insurance and social security contributions,
January 17, 2020
Starting January 1, 2020, the gross minimum basic wage in the economy will increase to 2,230 lei per month (excluding bonuses and allowances) for a standard working schedule averaging 167.333 hours per month, which equates to 13.327 lei/hour. This decision was published in the Official Gazette Part I No. 1010
December 18, 2019
On July 21, 2019, new measures came into effect with applicability in the construction sector. The main provisions of the new legal act are:– Extension of the applicability period for the gross minimum basic wage guaranteed in payment (3,000 lei) until December 31, 2028;– Expansion of the scope of activities
July 15, 2019
Smartree is a company that provides HR and software services for payroll and personnel administration. This week, the representatives of the company decided to open a regional office in Cluj- Napoca. What are the business development opportunities in the business Cluj told us Oana Banu, specialist in Marketing and Communications
May 9, 2014