MyStaff Recruitment
MyStaff Recruitment
Maximum efficiency in recruitment.
It maximizes the results for all actors involved in the recruitment process and optimizes the costs and time allocated to each project.

MyStaff Recruitment is a software tool designed for:
Managing the candidate selection process in a single database
- Storing all the information related to the candidates, regardless of the source (online recruitment platforms, website) in a single, centralized database, which can be used at any time;
- Connecting to job platforms such as eJobs and BestJoba and to the company's career section and the possibility of integration with any recruitment platform.
- Connecting to job platforms such as eJobs and BestJoba and to the company's career section and the possibility of integration with any recruitment platform.
Simplifying the flow of the selection process
- Tracking job applications, forming recruitment teams according to the project, communicating with candidates, managing interviews and tests
Assigning roles in the recruitment process
- Possibility to define roles in the recruitment team and to assign responsibilities to all team members: recruitment manager, employer manager, person initiating the recruitment request, etc.
- Defining the types of candidates: internal or external.
- Defining the types of candidates: internal or external.
Cost control
- Efficient monitoring, in real time, of each candidate source and optimizing the costs associated with each type of recruitment process.
Measuring performance indicators
- Detailed reports with the performance indicators of the recruitment processes, which provide an image on the evolution of the projects.
Keyword filtering
- Possibility to perform queries by certain keywords and to set filters with which you can select the most suitable candidates.
MyStaff Recruitment features and benefits:
- Centralized CV storage, in electronic format, so that it can be used in other recruitment processes. The work of any member of the recruitment team is thus simplified: the recruitment time is short, and the continuity of projects from one manager to another is guaranteed;
- Increasing the degree of organization within the company by involving all team members in the process;
- Avoiding the overlapping of tasks and responsibilities by defining roles and assigning responsibilities in recruitment processes;
- Optimizing the times related to recruitment projects by standardizing work processes (recruitment application, creating recruitment process, collection of profiles - talent pool, etc.);
- Interface with the company's career page, functionality that allows the automatic taking over and import of candidates or the manual entry of data.
- Taking over the candidates automatically, following the internal applications through the MyStaff Self Service portal or manually, by allocating, by the recruiter, the candidates for a new project;
- Efficient management of interviews and tests;
- Allocation of candidates through a single action from one recruitment project to another;
- Sending e-mail notifications at various stages of the recruitment process to the people involved: recruiter/manager/candidate;
- Smart searches through advanced filters such as: keywords, explicit recruitment sources, talent group, company, etc .;
- Complex reports and specific indicators with graphs already generated, to streamline data analysis at the management level;
- The MyStaff Recruitment software module works independently of the other MyStaff modules.
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