The personnel file - Your strategic HR partner - Smartree

The personnel file

The personnel fileThe personnel file shall be established and maintained for each employee and that’s the obligation of the employer, according to the Government Decision no. 500/2011. When there is a control of the labor territorial inspectorate(LTI), the employer must provide to the inspectors the complete required records of the employees. Otherwise, the fine could be between 5000 and 8000 lei.

The personnel file is a print collection of employee’ data recorded by the employer in Revisal and other documents considered important for the development of labor relations. The personnel file contained documents that certify the legality and correctness of the information transmitted to the electronic register of employees.

Important! Regardless of the type of labor contract (permanent or temporary) or the norm type (full or partial), the employer shall draw up personal files for all employees.

What to include in the personnel file

Personnel file shall contain the following documents, according to GD. 500/2013:

  • The labor contract;
  • The documents needed for employment;
  • The addenda and other documents relating to the amendment, suspension and termination of employment;
  • The study documents / certificates of qualification;
  • Any other documents that certify the legality and accuracy of filling in the register.

A personnel file, professionally done and that should not create any problems if there is a control of ITM, will contain:

  • Copy of ID: ID / identity card / passport or proof of residency;
  • Curriculum vitae, signed and dated by the employee;
  • Individual employment contract with a job offer, both signed, dated and with registration number;
  • Copy of birth certificate;
  • Medical certificate issued by the employee’s doctor, stating that he is fit for work and then, after accepting the offer of employment but before the start of the activity, the occupational physician opinion;
  • Copy of driving license if the employee will drive a work / for professional drivers;
  • Copy of service record, if any;
  • Copy of marriage certificate / divorce decision, if applicable;
  • Copy of birth certificates of children, if applicable;
  • Copy of last school diploma and copies of other certificates / documents of specialization / qualification / authorization;
  • Fiscal statement for completing tax returns (205) on income from salaries (basic function, dependents and supporting documents: copy of birth certificate for minors, certificate from the other parent that he does not benefit of deduction, affidavit for not income), pensioner – yes or no (attach copy of the decision of retirement), benefits or not of unemployment, home health, bank account;
  • Decision retirement (where applicable);
  • Job description;
  • Copy of work permit, work visa and residence permit (for foreign employees who are nationals of non -EU)
  • Addenda which was modified / completed one of the legal work aspects;
  • Requests for suspension of the legal work, legal document approval / determination of suspension, the legal document ordering the resumption of business;
  • Legal documents certifying the salary changes;
  • Termination of legal relationship work when necessary;
  • Evaluation reports;
  • Other documents (optional) that can be part of the employee file: copy of the employment / copies of certificates from previous jobs, original criminal record involving management functions.

People with access to personnel files of the employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of data.

Download also List of documents for the employee’s personnel file.

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